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Monday, December 20, 2010

A Package of Love

The cookies that The Boy and I have been baking finally came together in adequate variety, so today I packaged some up to mail to my mom with her other holiday goodies. To my way of thinking, this is a major-mission-accomplished and I'm delighted to have it behind me for one more year.

The tin contains (clockwise from the top), chocolate chip cookies, molasses raisin bars, oatmeal raisin cookies, pumpkin pie bars, chocolate crackles, hello dollies and chocolate rugelach at the center. They look pretty good, eh?

Tomorrow I'm making mince meat so that I can make a proper, homemade mince meat pie for christmas day. But today, I made a package of love for the Post. Peace.


  1. wow - what a fantastic package to open! yum!

  2. beautiful AND delicious!

  3. They look so good! What a lovely package to receive in the mail...

  4. Thats look so nice, too nice to eat.

  5. Oh Major Yummy. Makes me think of all the goodies my Grandma Leta would make for us~ Plus her Fruit Cake which I Loved. She has been gone almost 3 years, I still miss her and her goodies. Your Goodies look so darn good!!

  6. OMG, I got a sugar high just reading about it! :) So pretty! I'm making two coffee cakes, one for the two neighbors on either side of me.

  7. Thank you all! I was pleased with the "outcome."

    Oh Leta ~ there's nothing like a *real* homemade fruitcake! We have the commercially produced horrors to blame for fruitcake falling out of fashion.

    Kim ~ should is the operative word.

    Maria ~ how sweet of you!


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