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Friday, January 14, 2011

A Mug Cozy

I've seen so many mug cozies made by my crafty friends that I finally broke down and made myself one. I wasn't sure what to think of it at first, but aside from using up some scrap yarn I was delighted to be able to set my steaming mug down on a whim without hunting for a coaster.

I made a batch of soap too. And pizza. That's what I made today.



  1. a cozy soap and pizza, busy day. i love the color yarn you used in your cozy, great job!

  2. What a beautiful cozy!! Thank you for sharing what you made today :)

  3. I like the mug cozy... I could do up some of those.

  4. Oh, that is too cute!! What a great idea. Love it!

  5. You had quite the busy day! The cozy is so cute. :) Theresa

  6. Welcome to the club :)I'll be designing others soon enough.

  7. So your cozy has a bottom to it huh. Have not seen one with a bottom ;)

  8. ~this is wonderful!!! i have only seen the sleeve like cozy...but having it cover the bottom as it!!! happy creative days to you my friend...much love light and blessings~

  9. Super cool cosy! Love the yarn too - great job :) Debs102

  10. Thanks everyone!

    Franni - I love seeking through my yarn stash for beauties like this!

    You're welcome Kallan!

    Go for it Sharkbytes!

    Thanks Teresa! The idea is borrowed, but the design is my own adaptation. :)

    Thanks Faerie Moon - it was a pretty busy day. Delightfully busy!

    You know I'm watching out for your next creation, astitchintime!

    Leta & faerwillow - I *had* to create one with a bottom!

    Have a creative day, everyone!

  11. What a wonderful idea! Love the colors!

    I added a link to your cozy on my blog post, Handmade Fun Saturday! Drop by and leave a comment!

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. It sounds like you had a very productive day!

    That cozy is so beautiful and such a great way to use up scrap yarn like you said :)


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