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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An Introduction to Edi's Little Treasures

This weeks On Fire for Handmade "Featured Artisan" is Edi's Little Treasures

Edi describes herself as a self-taught wire wrap jewelry designer, and if you dig wire wrap style jewelry, you'll want to take a closer look at her work! You can visit and learn more about Edi as well as see some her amazing work up close at these places:

Take a peek!  Peace.



  1. ~you always find wonderful unique artists to anything wire wrapped...her jewelry is beautifully detailed...thank you once more for sharing such a talented one...much love light and blessings~

  2. Stunning Jewelry! Very talented artisan.

  3. That wire work is to die for! I would LOVE to be able to be that detailed one day :)

    Thank you for sharing!


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