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Monday, March 7, 2011

Fresh Starts

And some things just speak for themselves.




  1. YAY SEEDLINGS!! That means spring will be sprouting! WWWHO HUUUUU

  2. Yay, I should probably think about what new stuff I want to grow. I also need to decide what I will transplant.

  3. a breath of spring
    thank you for your supportive messages, it would be fun to have you with me Friday. Still your spirit is with me and this feels mighty fine!

  4. This picture alone fills me with excitement and hope that Spring and warm weather is almost here!! xD

    Thank you for sharing!

  5. Yes, I must do the same thing and I will as soon as I can walk across the room with out wheezing. I think this year I am going to focus on tomatoes.

  6. I'm delighted with the prospect of spring and those first seeds dropping into that starting soil is such a sacred moment of excitement … and peace … and a little melancholy too.


    And Tammie - I'm happy to be there!

  7. Love this picture!

    I was buying cat food the other day, and spied a packet of Delicata Squash seeds...which, of course, I had to buy. I can't wait to start planting!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  8. You're so ahead of me. We're starting this weekend. I hope it's not too late. Love the little seedlings. I'm hearing the migrating birds already. YAY!

  9. I just noticed, you still have snow on the ground. Ecch!

  10. Oh, yes - there is still snow on the ground, plenty of it, though less today than yesterday. And no worries, it's not to late. Not at all. :)

  11. A sure sign of spring! Hurray! I noticed MANY little buds in our yard. But also many many twigs and branches covering almost every inch of ground. I noticed you have a lot of snow still - even more than we have here in the central part of the state. Yowza! Theresa

  12. Yowza - indeed! Yet, there is far less snow on the ground than just s couple days ago and more and more earth is visible to me - especially in my main vegetable garden. And it's wonderful!


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