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Monday, March 21, 2011

Patterns and Love

Today I made patterns with watercolor. Watercolor and plastic wrap.  This is a technique I've been wanting to play with for some time and now that I have, I'm pretty sure I'll be doing it again.

I blended my colors, applied them to my journal page, laid plastic wrap in a wrinkled, random fashion over the the still-fluid paint and left it there several minutes removing it while the paint was still damp. Then I rinsed the plastic wrap, hung it to dry so I can reuse it. I have a feeling that the plastic will offer more interesting results as it gets more and more use. 

I've also managed to fall in love with colors … the colors of spring that will emerge from the rich, nourishing darkness of my winter-weary landscape. While I wait for Nature's palette to change, I have to make more of these. I simply have to.

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. that effect is awesome! Trying it during my next art playdate!
    Love the little journals too! *hugs* .•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.ஐ

  2. Very nice! It's so much fun to play, isn't it?

  3. Awesome....wondering how this might work with fabric?

  4. Nancy ~ I know this technique *is* used with fabrics too, though I've not tried it. Go for it!

  5. We painted our bedroom walls using this technique(frottage)-- with house paint, glaze & plastic sheeting-- never thought about applying the idea to art journaling! Oh yes, I am going to have to play with this idea. Thanks for sharing it!

  6. That is so great. I am trying that with the kids I am teaching this weekend! Would you mind putting a link to this blog on my blog link. Trying to share all this great stuff with more and more people.

  7. intothedawn - Ooooooh - walls. Thank YOU for that bit of inspiration!

    Creative Flair - Wonderful! Have fun and link away! :)

  8. Your creativity and beautiful work always inspires me!

  9. I love how creativity changes us, lets us evolve as our perspectives grow to include new things, shed old things. Love the patterns AND the colors.

  10. What an inspiring post! It was so nice of you to share your experiment with the plastic wrap. I love the result. I can even see letters hidden away in the folds. I'm definitely going to try it. Thanks!

  11. love the plastic wrap trick

    and the journals of color are gorgeous - like their creator

  12. this is great! i Love that you can re-use the plastic! I've seen a similar technique done on both journal pages and walls with tissue paper- crumpling it up and attaching it with adhesive/gesso and painting over it- but in that case you're using the tissue paper and not able to reuse it. i LOVE this.

    on a side note- do you use read dries leaves/flowers for your notebooks?

  13. Yep ~ those are real dried, pressed leaves and flowers. :)

  14. That is the COOLEST trick ever-Believe it or not, I've never heard of that before this post! I definitely would love to try my hand at it though :)

    And as always, your journals are just beautiful-I can see how you have an urge to make more!

  15. The journals are coming out so Beautiful!!! I love the Pink~~

  16. ~gorgeous! we have had many days of creative fun playing with pieces of plastic wrap and packaging bubble wrap...each piece always comes out so unique and beautiful from the next...i do hope you emerge yourself in more painting times as this...belated ostara blessings to you and yours~

  17. I LOVE that effect! Really really awesome. And I see more of your pretty journals. Great stuff! Theresa

  18. i love what you did with the plastic
    awesome colors and the designs are fab!


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