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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Gentle Collaboration

Today I made time for the gardens. By the end of the day I had prepped a couple more beds, and still have more - much more - to go. I view this as a process, a journey, not a task to be completed. After all, Nature is never done with anything. Why should I? Least of all while tending to the patch of land we share. 

I made a lunchtime harvest of nettles, ramps and egyptian onions. Just for me.

I made a nice miso soup loaded with the green love I collected with honor for the season and the spirit of the plants.

Then I returned to gardens for more gentle collaboration. That's what I made today. Peace.



  1. your soup looks delish! I cooked up some coconut tilapia and wild rice... I am so looking forward to the gardens we create and eating yumminess like you! ...wonder if I can grow some tilapia... *giggle* second thought, look what they did to ruin the poor salmon ..I will stick to buying it I guess!

  2. Nice! Not even dandelion greens here yet.

  3. Nice reminder that gardening is something to love, to cherish the moments when my hands are in the soil and my head is in the air.
    peace n abundance,

  4. I enjoyed your post, the time was right. I included a link back here.

  5. That's what my gloves look like too, after only a couple of days prepping beds! I'm late this year, but finally got in the peas and lettuce... wasn't sure if it was going to happen this spring! :)

  6. Beautiful Rose! I love the way you write :D
    My garden gloves look pretty much like that too :)

  7. I love the shot of the gloves.

  8. Dito Wizardess...
    The gloves are iconic.


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