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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spirit Cords

The weather was a bit fickle today, so while I waited for mama Nature to make up her mind I pulled out the yarn and spun some new Spirit Cords while listening to The Boy play guitar. It was a pleasant meditation. That's what I made today.




  1. Interesting product. No wonder I don't understand the kinds of things people buy.

  2. I adore mine... I love the fact I can make them myself... but the ones you made me have special meaning and intention... worth every penny!

  3. So pretty...and so meaningful. I love them, thanks for sharing ♥

  4. Wow! So cool!!! Love it!
    Agree with you on Mother Nature! We were in shorts last week and expecting snow tonight!! Brrr...

  5. I had to visit your shop to find out what a spirit cord was, lovley concept. :)

  6. Hi there! I love the concept of spirit cords and the colors you use are really beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Very interesting. Do you have the link to another post describing these?

  8. There are descriptions with the listings at my ArtFire studio and Zibbet shop.

    Essentially, to paraphrase what's there …They may be used in many ways. Multiple cords may looped together - knotted end to finished end - to add length, variety, interest, meaning… Some folks knot theirs, adding their intentions with each hitch, creating a personal prayer cord. It may be cut, retied and refashioned into a separate tools of meaning. And so on ~ the sky's the limit!

  9. Beautiful!
    I'm going to have to try to make one of those for myself one day :)

  10. It looks like I did something wrong, and my yesterday comment didn't come to you... I like these cords so much! First I decided that you used crochet hook while making them, but after I opened large scale image I see that I mistaked...
    These are splendid!

  11. Wow, great stuff! I love them, thanks for sharing!

    Have a lovely week!


  12. Thanks for introducing me to spirit cords! These are beautiful and would certainly encourage pleasant thoughts.

  13. Go for it, Kayla!

    And Margelaene, these are spun, no crochet involved.

    And four of these sold already … so I better get to spinning more!

  14. I went to your shop, hoping to find out what a spirit cord is. I didn't find out, but what a cool skeleton!


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