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Monday, May 23, 2011

Wall Slop

I found this in the freezer. The Boy obviously made this … though I labeled it … and have no idea what it means. Must have meant something at the time. I thawed it to discover happy beef, garden peas, red beans and an array of other vegetables and hints of fresh herbs. It's quite tasty … and it's what for dinner.  That's what I made today. Kinda.



  1. that is to funny. wonder how the name wall slop came to be very at least it was tasty :)

  2. That is definitely quite something to come across when rummaging through your freezer-At least it was good! Lol

  3. What a wonderful surprise to find! Dinner ready made. I do make a dish we call slop in my family. You might call it SOS :)

  4. Wall slop...I love it haha! One time I made sloppy joes and the kids thought they were disgusting. They still remind me now and then about those Chum Burgers...from Sponge Bob Squarepants...not a compliment hehe

  5. I laughed when I saw it and wondered not only what it was but also what the heck that meant? Neither of us could recall, so we just sat down and enjoyed it over whole wheat pasta. :)

  6. Yum...anonymous stew is often the most delicious.

  7. How cool! I didn't know freezer stuff would keep that long.

  8. yep those labels can be a tricky thing. i do the same thing.

  9. Thank goodness for labeling! :) Glad it was still ok to eat. I cleaned out our freezer just the other day - but sadly I found no treasures! Theresa


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