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Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Day to be Still

I twisted my ankle last night. A pretty good twist, if I do say so myself. A twist that said, "stay still for a day, will ya?" So I did. Mostly. I brought my arty stuff out on the deck and worked on various projects throughout the day. It was a welcome meditation. I thought of my Daddy, who I miss, even though I often feel him around me. Sometimes I even smell his pipe tobacco. I made burgers for dinner in his honor. He loved burgers.

I thought of my father-in-law, too. He was such a good friend. We were fishing buddies. We drank beer and brandy together and laughed a lot. He could dish it out, and he could take it. I love him still.

All in all, it was a blessed Father's Day. A day of rest, recollection and healing. Peace.



  1. Hope your ankle is better very soon! Get some rest. Glad you had the time to reflect and honor your dad today. Those journals are looking mighty beautiful...

  2. Yikes, glad you didn't hurt yourself worse! It's always good to slow down for a day. We had a lovely weekend of slow, unusual for us. Your work looks great.

  3. aw, i hope your ankle is better really soon, rose... it was great to see you the other night!! i htought of you and your daddy today too... xoxox

  4. ha - my word verification was "liket" :)

  5. sounds like a wonderful day
    but not the sprained ankle part
    i know you overflow with magical healing wisdom and ability
    still ankles can take a while, if it does not heal how you think it should... chiropractors have a wonderful adjustment that just makes it all better so fast!

  6. YES! Great post, and I so share your sentiments... love the cards and your deck!

  7. Sorry about your ankle, but nice memories of two dads.

  8. Take care of that ankle! And what nice memories you have of your fathers.

  9. Lovely post - sometimes you just need something to force you to take time out. Hope the ankle gets better quickly. I know how you feel - I miss my parents big times, especially my mum.

  10. I hate it when I am not able to run about and do all sorts of wondrous things and I know you do too. Hope you are on the mend and up and about soon. Nice Father's Day sentiments and the cards are sweet. On an earlier post you talked and showed how you were strained your violets for a soap. Sounds different. I've never heard of it, even though I make soaps too. Very interesting.

  11. Oh dear! I'm sorry to hear about your ankle O.o But maybe it happened for just that reason-So you can enjoy and reflect :)

    It sounds like you had a very lovely Father's Day!

    I adore all your beautiful journals ^.^

  12. Lovely words. Gentle, peaceful and thought provoking. I do hope you get to feeling better soon.

  13. Thank you all for your kind and caring comments ~ I'm quite certain they helped to heal this injury well and with speed!



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