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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Half Sours

I've been on the road this past week. Got home yesterday afternoon. Today, I reflected a bit,  didn't over-focus and I grounded myself. Well, I did my best. I lounged long in the morning, sipping coffee while cleaning up and catching up on a lot of stuff that landed on this computer. I went out to a late breakfast with The Boy. We browsed a pawn shop and antique store. When we returned home we tied up tomato plants, trimmed suckers, removed some fallen sunflowers, harvested cucumbers, beans, horseradish, lettuce and trimmed some low branches from a wild cherry tree. Some of those trimmed branches may make a nice walking stick or two.

One cucumber was added to dinner's salad. The others made their way into jars along with some garlic and a 3.6% brine … and over the coming days these will become delicious half sours. I will add a grape leaf to each jar tomorrow, the tannin in them helps to make for a nice crispy pickle, especially for keeping, though these little batches will no doubt be eaten quickly. The upcoming gallon batches will have grape leaves a-plenty at the bottom and top of those jars. Horseradish leaves too.

That's what I made today. It felt fitting. Peace.



  1. I agree they look yummy! To bad you couln't pass them my way.

  2. It must be so nice to be able to use things fresh from the garden! they look like they will be wonderful to eat!

  3. Look so deliscious- and such a pretty photo!

  4. Was wondering why I hadn't heard from you. Enjoy the half sours!

  5. sounds like a wonderful outing that the boy and the girl had ;-)
    i made limoncello yesterday and added the sugar syrup to my rosolio, i thought of you~

  6. Those look AWESOME! Our cukes are winding down, but our tomatoes and peppers are on full steam!

  7. I love pickles. How wonderful to put up your own.

  8. Delicious looking. At least you are able to leave your garden-the animals are devouring mine this year, flowers and all. I have tried everything to keep out groundhogs and deer. Must make a new plan next year. Do you have your garden fenced in? You never seem to experience this problem.

  9. Never knew about the tannin in grape interesting! I used to make my own dill pickles and used to put a carrot in each jar. Sounds like you and the boy had a busy, productive day.

  10. Sounds like a perfect day...those pickles look amazing. I love pickles!


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