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Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Return

I woke up in my own bed this morning after a week away. It felt good, yet somehow I woke ripe with frustration and seething with more than a little anger. I got up, banged some stuff around while I fixed my tea. I journaled, finished unpacking and reorganizing, plowed through email, and started spinning some new Spirit Cords. All of these things proved to be good Medicine, especially the spinning. When the rain finally came, I went outside, despite the chill, and stood rooted in it to receive a blessed cleansing. While I was out there I picked a few onions and herbs to use with this evening's dinner. I still have messages and calls to return, laundry to do and other tasks to catch up on, but I'm almost home now.

I returned home to gorgeous clouds, circling birds of prey, the song of crow, baskets of tomatoes, a waning moon and a journal giveaway at Herbal Roots Zine. Be sure to drop by and leave a comment to enter to win my autumn inspired mini journal called, Goldenrod.

So, despite the rocky start to my day, I'm feeling more settled, centered, grounded … returned. Peace.


  1. That's a lovely journal, not to mention a lovely day, once you settled into it!

    I'm off to enter that giveaway! :)

  2. What a beautiful journal. The person to recieve it will be lucky indeedy.

  3. Wow a gorgeous journal and a lucky person who wins it. It sounds like a lovely morning though.

  4. Home is always the best............

  5. Doing what centers you and gives you joy and peace is the best medicine.
    It will be a lucky person to use a journal you have crafted. I imagine there are all sorts of good vibes coming from it.

  6. Amazing how we physically arrive home before we truly arrive.

  7. I loved hearing about the process of coming "home"... you're right about the spinning, too. In the Clean Out campaign at my house, I almost gave away my drop spindle, because it hasn't seen much use lately. But when I thought about how meditative the activity is, I decided to keep her and spin more often. (I have a new grandbaby on the way...he'll need a hat. :~)

  8. Oh yes, I can relate to mornings like that. But lovely weather, positive crafting, and being out in nature all do their miracles for bringing out the best in us. Sounds like you had a perfectly lovely day after all.
    Bright Blessings,

  9. It sounds like your day got off to a rough start, but once you got the ball rolling, it sounds like you made the best of it :)

    What a gorgeous journal!! I just entered myself, so my fingers are crossed ^.^


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