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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Unfamiliar Blessings

It's hard to believe that honoring this winter solstice included harvesting two cabbages from my garden. I've plucked kales, collards and herbs, and even mulched root crops in the past, but never cabbage. It weathered the October snow and the several mild frosts we've had with a grace that feels both welcome and suspect. 

I'll enjoy this unfamiliar harvest with the seasonal comforts of carrots, garlic, onion, ginger, shoyo, beef and noodles. It's a different kind of winter solstice dinner … yet, if the times are changing, I'm obliged to change with them.

May you rest easy in the heart of darkness and in the promise of light as we move into the deep love of winter (or summer, as the case may be). Bright blessings ~ today ~ and every day.



  1. Yum! It looks so fresh! Usually, this time of the year the only green to be grown is Kale. The warm weather is strange, but it has its perks. Thank you so much for stopping by TheAL. :)

  2. That IS a most unusual gift! Enjoy your bounty and happy solstice!

  3. and to you, are one of the blessings in my life!

  4. Indeed. "She changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes" and I guess i need to remember that the Goddess of many faces moves thru those who create Climate Change on our planet. sigh.

    The cabbage looks very inviting :) Happy Solstice !


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