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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Feel Good Day

Today was one of those rare days where I managed to get more done than I had projected. I put more layers on those mini journals I'm working on, got some state tax work done and in the mail, managed mail, visited with my neighbor, got to the next-to-final-step of determining my seed order for this year. I rewarded myself with a visual meditation in one of my art journals.

It feels good. This day.

That's what I made today.



  1. congratulations, getting things done is a good feeling. your journal is wonderful to see.

  2. Sounds like an awesome day - we've been pretty dreary around here, weather wise today, so it was a good day to do paperwork and a little creating - also found time to sit and pet the kitty beasts.

    Blessed Be


  3. Wow what a day you have had! Great work!

  4. ...very beautiful! ~ may your days keep merging with sweet muse whisperings! ~ blessed be!...

  5. Yay! Sounds like a very productive day, Rose. The journal is beautiful - but then they all are! Wishing you peace and joy . . . Catherine

  6. A product day does seem to be a good day. I always love a day that ends with a lot having been accomplished. Your journal is realy nice looking.

  7. It all sounds good.....except the taxes. GGRRRRRRRRR.

  8. I love the days when I fill them with so much more than I ever thought I could. Your Journals are beautiful!

  9. I love the color of the last three posts. (Granny squares are meditation for me too.) This journal cover looks like a stained glass window.

  10. You were showing us your art journal? At first I thought the image was of the endpapers of one of your blank notebooks... and I instantly fell into a deep state of covetousness. Beautiful!

  11. PS: Yesterday was a great day, wasn't it? Today's pretty terrific as well. ;-)

  12. I love how you do those doodles and they look like art. I doodle and it doesn't look like anything.

  13. How beautiful!!! It is always a good feeling to get things accomplished - congrats!

  14. Wow this is awesome, what a great design!!!Deb

  15. Just love those kinds of days. Here's to many more.

  16. This is lovely! And this type of art is one of my favorites to do -- visual meditation is exactly the right way to describe it.

  17. These pages are so yummy! I'm happy to meet you, Rose! I look forward to reading your posts and have really enjoyed my initial "walk through". Those of us meant to find each other eventually do. Blessings to you.

  18. this is beautiful! i love the colors you used - i need to look at the rest of your blog. i came here through a pin on pinterest :)


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