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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Space for Courage

I know I'm overdue in posting some garden entries, but I've been immersed in arting. And in taking up Effy Wild's amusing penchant for verbing nouns. 

I've been tending to the garden and greenhouse babies, make no mistake, but my daily ritual of journaling in art form is my personal therapy, and it's been expanding. Anyhoo … 

Today I made space for courage. In my life and in my Book of Days.

It seems a "small" thing, but today I faced a fear. A stealthy fear that has been hiding these past several years behind otherwise "good" and noble intentions.

This past week I purchased a vehicle. It's my first car in almost six years. Oh, I've been driving. My spouse and I have been sharing a vehicle and I've been renting for my journeys. Yet, today I chuckle at the fact that this "new" car of mine has served as a catalyst for realizing this clandestine fear … and I take pleasure in noticing the connections, and for acknowledging the wisdom and healing that is born of such awareness.

I have courage. I am brave. I am grateful. 

But I knew that. I just know it better now.



  1. *HUGS* It's good to have courage.

  2. Congratulations on this amazing step of courage! :)

  3. yes, thank you, acknowledging fear is beneficial. gorgeous art page!

  4. Good for you. You can't face your fears, or be able to live with it, if you can't acknowledge it. Congrats on purchasing a car. Having your own vehicle is a handy tool to have in your journey - and in a way, the car can help you reach your destination in a pace you can be comfortable with.

  5. Love, love, LOVE the artwork!!!!
    Blessings to you on facing your fears and congratulations on the new car.

  6. Congrats on a new car! You must beat your chest and yell out - "I am the king of the forest!". :-)

  7. Your artwork is fantastic! Congrats to you on stepping out and facing your fear.

  8. wonderful seeing you today as always, dear rose.. xox

  9. How can it be that one who inspires SO many others herself requires inspiration? ... oh wait, all of lifes' a circle, no beginning and no end... Thanks Rose for the reminder... as always <3

  10. I’m so glad that, after 6 long years of renting a car, you now have your own car. With regard to your “clandestine fear, “ I can say that you’re such a courageous woman. It takes humility and courage to humbly admit one’s weaknesses or shortcomings. If this car has been an instrument for you to acknowledge your fears, then you can use it as a good emotional outlet. Driving a car, traveling without a definite point of destination, discovering new places and meeting new people can have therapeutic effects. It can allow you to do things that are beyond your limitations. We become better individuals by striving to do things that are beyond our limitations.


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