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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

29 Faces #1

Merry May Day! This is a month of challenges for me, make no mistake. The way I see it, if I don't push myself to expand, no one else will. Today starts the 29 Faces in May, and while I first chose to forgo it, I knew I would still choose to focus on faces, so I said, "What the hell?"

This morning, with eyes closed, I pondered the differences between fears and challenges. I'm a pretty fearless person, yet a couple of fears have recently surfaced for me, and I'm grappling with them. As I sat with these musings, I realized that, for me, the fear is born of potential consequences that may come from accepting a challenge. While the two fear-born challenges I currently face are very different, I saw that the fears are both rooted in injury. Potential injury.

Nobody likes to be hurt. Well, most folks don't. I don't. In any event, I was reminded of my longstanding relationship with risk … if we never take a risk, we never allow ourselves the opportunity to stretch, expand, grow. And if injury is only a possibility, why let it freeze us?

Drawing and painting faces is new to me (in my adult life), and it's a joyous challenge to take on this month, for there is no risk of injury in it … so this challenge will serve to temper the other challenges I face.

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Woohoo!! I'm so glad you are participating in this!! It's quite wonderful, love the colors, soothing! Beautiful work!


  2. Serene and confident :D Beautiful face! :D XXX

  3. Looks so peaceful. The texture is lovely.

  4. <3 can never go wrong with any shade of purple <3

  5. Beautiful painting and words. Both are quite inspiring!!!

  6. i wish you a gorgeous time as your explore the art of faces.

    love this one

    love your bravery and you~

  7. Wow! Rosemari! I love this!

  8. I am glad you are giving this a go, you won't look back it opens new doors! Great start I love your colour palet x

  9. Beautiful! love the texture.

  10. Such a beautiful post... so so true... and gorgeous girl... she looks like she has made a decision... and is at peace... beautiful!!

    Jenny x

  11. Glad you've taken up the challenge too. She's totally laid back in lilac. Gorgeous.

  12. Hey i have not words to determine that your post is so aggressive and so nice i am so inspired here.
    Thanks for sharing....

    Garden centre in Southend-on-Sea

  13. Great face and I so love the colors!When I did the Feb. challenge I was terrified to show my the end of the challenge I was showing anyone who would stop long enough to take a breath what I was doing.I have faces everywhere in my house and stacks in the corn of my art room.

  14. Beautiful face and I loved your post. I read somewhere a definition of fear and it totally resonated with me. It went something like, fear is only your expectation of a negative outcome in the future. :)

  15. I love the texture and the inspirational post, and your past works, too. I'm subscribing and looking forward to see more. Thanks for stopping by my page and drawing me here.

  16. i think your face is wonderful , she ready to take on the world...:)

  17. Thank you all for your wonderful comments, inspiration and love.

  18. Love the layers and colours youv'e used.

  19. Thank you Rose, as always YOU inspire me! I love your introspective way of being in the world, its just one of the things I feel so kindredly in spirit with you in =)

    and Thank you NatashaMay for that wonderful clear thought on fear.. I shall be remembering this along with another of late, worrying is like praying for what you don't want ;)


  20. I love this! I wish it was hanging on my wall :)


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!