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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fermented Summer Squash, Dig it


  1. Girl - I need to hang out with you for a week or 2 so you can teach me these amazing things. When you back them into smaller jars, do you have to process them in a hot water bath? Hugs to you!

  2. An'Angelia ~ that would be a blast ~ I'd LoVe to paint with you!

    As for this ferment - and *any* ferment - no processing is necessary. In fact, heating it kills the beneficial bacteria that "keeps" it and that's *so* good for us when we eat it. I just put it in smaller jars so it will fit in my frig and/or pantry shelves.

  3. As always, you have amazing ideas that inspire us all. I think i will try that. It did n't seem that hard!
    I am always afraid of trying to make pickles, jams and anything in container because i am afrais that i will either poison us or spoil a lot of product!

  4. Love it. May be doing that with some bounty this week. Thanks for the "recipe" I made cordita on Friday and today I'm making mustard pickles.

  5. I love hearing about all your bounty and how you use it. I have been attempting more fermented goodies in my kitchen, so I like hearing what you do. I am making zucchini relish today. Lots of zucchini relish.

  6. greekwitch, it's not hard at all. Simple brine fermenting is really one of the simplest ways to safely preserve food.

    Mmmmm … mustard pickles. If you ever want to trade a pint, let me know, Kim#1!

    Hope you're having fun with your bounty of zucs, Kim#2. Mine will be coming soon … these that I fermented where from a farmers market.

  7. Singing to my baby! What a beautiful picture you painted there.
    Have a blessed day.

  8. Yes, Sharkbytes ~ they are naturally fermented zucchini pickles!

  9. Wow. Very interesting. See, I always thought you couldn't preserve squash except for freezing because it might turn to mush. Hmmmm...


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