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Monday, June 10, 2013

Black Currant Preserves … To Share

I've been distracted lately. Distracted and un-centered. Distracted, un-centered and unsettled. You see, my elderly mom fell and broke a hip at the end of April, had surgery and is now in rehab some 300+ miles from my home. She'll be discharged soon. The next phase of the journey involves moving her from New York state to assisted living here in Connecticut. I've been traveling between here-n-there and will be doing so again before the pieces fall into place. I have travel, care-giving, sorting and packing to manage this coming week.

I returned home from my most recent travels late Thursday. Friday kicked off with research, calls, follow-ups, bills (hers and mine) but then quickly dissolved into a need to rest. So I did. Friday is a blur, but I know I made calls and managed to get more plants into the earth.

Sunday, however, coalesced into a day that I needed. A day that I deserved. I managed to get some early morning planting done in the garden. I made a batch of black currant preserves and a batch of black currant-citrus peel-n-rosehips preserves (which is rockin' my world). I got down to The Artists at Whiting Mills for their Open Studio. I processed a batch of kombucha. I made time to catch up in my art journal. I sat with Nature and gazed into everythingness. I did more evening planting and even got half of the tomato stakes in. It was a productive day. An enjoyable day. 

Today feels totally different.

There are things I want to do, and things I need to do, and yet I feel my will wavering today. I'd prefer to crawl under a rock. Know what I mean?

All the same, I've stacked the papers that need follow-through in a neat and organized pile to work through. I've started page-prep in my heART journal for the days ahead. I've sipped coffee. And still, my motivation wavers.

So … sharing is an activity that motivates me, inspires me, so I share with you my recipe (such as it is) for the currant preserves I made yesterday.

Black Currant Preserves

12 cups black currants (mine were frozen from last year's harvest)
9 cups cane sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
Optional (I added these to half my batch)
generous handful of dried rosehips
modest handful of dried orange rind
small handful of dried lemon rind

Combine ingredients (organic, please) in a heavy bottom pot, bring to a boil, stirring all the while. Lower heat to simmer, stirring occasionally, to desired thickness (I kept mine quite soft, good to use on toast or mix easily in yogurt). Sterilize your jars, pack them, and process them in a hot water bath for a time suited to your jar sizes.

Thank you for allowing me to share. It is Good Medicine that you offer. Go now, take your Medicine, and share something. Ashe.


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