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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Prepositional Rest and Refinery

These past several days have become a blur of reflection and action. The weekend, as folks call it, seemed to fill and flow with the ugliest of memories, the memories so deeply buried beneath the shadows that they are almost forgotten. And I'll tell ya, I don't care what anybody says, these menacing places-n-spaces are the mines of Love Most Infinite. These are the places-n-spaces that are most challenging to face candidly, and yet when faced with conscious awareness and with the un-judging eye of The Witness, they yield forgiveness, compassion, grace, the essence of humanity with all its flawed perfection … it yields what Love is made of.

And that sentence needed to end in a preposition.

Monday coalesced with the confirmation of the date for Little Rita's Memorial Mass. This was followed by hours of phone calls and various plans and decisions and assorted activities of contemporary convention as well as personal need. More came together yesterday and again today, and I can feel this chapter preparing for closure.

As my dear friend Kate said to me on the first day of July, "I hate doin' grown-up shit …" and I laughed. I laughed because we're both, from my view, very adept at the "grown-up shit" when we need to be, and equally skilled in pure play and assorted merrymaking.

And I'm juicy-ripe for some play and merrymaking. Alas, the time is not ripe for me … yet. But I can feel it coming in the next chapter. And I look forward to it.

So, I suppose, my life in this moment (and in the coming days) is akin to a dangling preposition, complete in the moment, making sense, acceptable to many, yet feeling a need for refining.

Had to do that, too, just for the merrymaking factor, such as it is.

Yeah. OK. I'll sit with that and see what I can do to manifest refinement in the chapters ahead.

PS   I read what I've written and I'm sensing that the next chapter shall be rich in rest. Yeah. Refinement after rest. I can dig it.



  1. you are a wonderful writer
    a wise woman
    a wealth of feeling and life expressed

    again, my heart leans towards yours

    recently i took a spirit cord i won from you so many years ago, you have a donut shaped cone hanging on it, i added a wire wrapped crystal and wear it often
    and think of you with loving spirit. thank you again for the cord.

  2. I so look forward to all your manifestations in the coming months. May they be restful, peaceful, joyfilled and juicey with a little sass or tequila (or both)

  3. May you manifest only the finest of all things and much rest and time to revive your spirit fully. Love and hugs!

  4. Oh, Tammie, I love that you embellished your cord and it warms my heart to know how it connects us.

    Say hello the mountains and woods for me. :)

  5. And Kim and Dawn, you loving Fools, thank you both so much for all the love and light you add to my life!


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!