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Friday, August 16, 2013

A Farm and Garden Collaboration

The Boy and I had a number of errands, one of which included stopping by Dineberg's Friday Farm Stand in Canton, Connecticut today where we picked up these lovelies.

I made an italian green bean salad with the farm's beans and my garlic and parsley.  This is a favored summer treat and so simple. Just steam the beans for 4-5 minutes, until al dente, strain, toss with fresh garlic, parsley (and/or sweet basil), drizzle generously with a good virgin olive oil and sea salt. Done. This is one of those great make-ahead dishes to serve at room temp (or chilled). The longer it sits, the better it gets. And it's fab with other herby additions too, like cilantro.

I made another summer favorite ~ an italian style tomato salad with gorgeous heirlooms from the farm and my garden parsley, basil and (yep ~ more) garlic.

That's what I made today.



  1. oh yum
    and simple
    and gorgeous
    and i am sure yum again

    wishing you the sun's warmth to ripen all that has not come to completion yet ~

  2. It sounds like a garden-gasm to me!

  3. I not only love your posts, recipes and general life in the garden, but your photos are wonderful too! (just thought you should know that smile) Keep on weedin' in your garden of eden! Blessings.

  4. So colorful and I am sure delicious! Heirloom tomatoes are a beautiful thing.


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