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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Two Faces of Reflection

This morning I revisited the concept of reflections, since it is the topic of this Thursday's Foolish Wisdom discussion group, so when I sat down to begin my journal page for the day, I recalled Picasso's "Girl Before a Mirror," and knowing I wanted to include a face for 29 Faces, I figured, hey, I'd use Picasso's image for a some artful inspiration.

I really loved the sense of query that creating this image conjured for me, and was pleased that the mood of query carried over to the finished image. For me, anyway.

I wanted to add more layers of color and interest, as well as detailed embellishment, but I had things to do and places to go, and was pleased enough to have filled a journal page, explored some personal inquiry, conveyed some ambience, and to have produced two faces for the effort of one.

That's what I made today. Peace.


  1. Beautiful yet again! And thank you so much for the kindness in allowing us all to add our links! You are, as ever, so thoughtful! :)

  2. Wow, I love the brilliant Picasso-like colors and designs in your beautiful artwork. What a sweetie you are to allow us to show off our own work here on your blog. I love also the little wiggly lines.

  3. I think they look great just as they are.

  4. I'm a fan of Picasso, as well as Van Gogh. Great colors. Thanks.

  5. I am so loving watching this process

  6. such wonderful ladies
    love your colors
    the fluid movement that reminds me of dance
    their awesome bodies
    and yes the reflective faces

  7. I would be pleased by this too! Your page came out beautiful and the fact that you got a whole one done is reason enough to celebrate ;D

  8. Those are absolutely lovely. I have often thought of starting an art journal, and have one of sorts, but it's more photography and poetry that I write. Beautiful post and wonderful ideas. Bright blessings, Bird

  9. your pice is so creative. i love that you took a picasso as an inspiration but made it your own. the wavy lines add a lot too.

  10. Beautiful! I like the way the text shines subtly through. I am quite taken with your faces...

  11. I really love this! To me, it conveys the idea of really looking at ourselves...looking at the internal as well as the external. It's very beautiful, and it really made me think deeply! I love it when art makes my brain jump into action, and this piece definitely did that! <3 <3 <3

  12. i love the way you use color and shapes!

  13. Love the changes in her expression and the final full figures.
    Thanks for visiting:)

  14. So beautiful... love your reflective work... there is such calm about them...

    Jenny ♥

  15. Rose, inspired by your work here!! So pleased I dropped by :)

  16. Such creative faces! I love this journal page. I hope to try 29 faces at some point, but not this time. Things are way to busy and I'm taking Effy's class as well. All in good time, I guess. Looking forward to more faces!!

  17. Thank you all for your beautiful comments ~ they encourage and nourish!

  18. This is really superb. I love your color choices and the Picasso influence :)

  19. Oh this is wonderful! I truly love this painting. Thank you for letting us share our links. That is very gracious of you. I am going to go check out some of the other links :-)

  20. How strange that we both posted a duality face on the same day. Your faces and figures are really gorgeous, and I like the wavy lines in the background. Thank you for your comment - much appreciated.

  21. Wonderful colorful and thoughtful post and art :-)
    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  22. It's wonderful!
    Your love inspiration!
    Picasso is one of the artists that I like.
    You did a great job!
    A kiss!

  23. "I do not seek. I find.”
    -Pablo Picasso
    Great inspirational insight!

  24. Stunning page! The detail you have put into it is truly beautiful. Thank you for your comment on my blog too. Oh, and, Ha ha ha, I will keep taunting, I say, until you succumb to the temptation!! evil grin. Clare

  25. She really looks like an image in a mirror, and stylized too. You amaze me.

  26. Though I like all of your postings for this 29 Faces challenge, these are my favorites. I'm not sure exactly why they speak to me so much, but they do.

    I love the shapes and colors, and the sense of mystery, even amongst all the brightness.



I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!