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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Compliant Collaboration

These past two weeks have been a bit of an experiment. Or a series of experiments. But whatever the label, my trials are guiding me to new realms of realization and utility.

For so many years I've allowed so much of my life to be "scheduled" by external forces. I like to think that I made those choices from a place of compassion, but that's another story all together. As I've mentioned before, too many times perhaps, "I have my life back," and I bounded into it, like a sprinter across the starting line … like the "girl" I once was … only to realize that  … "it" doesn't work like it used to.

But what is "it?"

And there's The Rub.

The Rub I've been getting to know these past couple of weeks. We're not intimate yet, but here's where The Rub has led me:

Yesterday, after consulting with The Rub (an intuitive conversation, for those wondering), I took my ToDo list and prioritized it, as is my habit. But rather than scheduling every item (as I typically do), she invited me to work the list and document my actions in the schedule portion of my planner as I accomplished them.

I didn't understand this guidance, it made no sense, and was ~ in fact ~ counter-intuitive to me. At one point I muttered out loud to my guidance, "you're rubbin' me up the wrong way," which (at the risk of sounding flakey) resulted in shared laughter. All the same, I went to bed setting the intention that some clarity by morning would be my incentive to continue this seemingly silly exercise.

I woke this morning to a whisper … "know your Crone's pace." And I understood. This experiment will allow me to discover, acknowledge, honor and adapt to a pace that is suited to me in my current state of evolution. Damn. That Rub, she's a brilliant wench. And today I join her in compliant collaboration.

That's what I'm making today.


  1. I love your art piece. And our life does move along better when we realize that we are not youngin's any more. For me at least it does not mean I cannot do things, just means I have to modify the process, adapt the plan if you will. I am glad to see I am not the only one! Enjoy your Rub!

  2. Great art piece, and I loved what you wrote here! I can relate to that.

  3. And perhaps you will allow the rest of us mere mortals to feel half so accomplished. ;) You amaze me daily with all you do-crone's pace or any other for that matter.

  4. Like the spiral we may come full circle but not to the same destination - we grow, evolve, change and once again get to know ourselves anew. So glad I have such great company to do it in.

  5. Your words ring so close to home here ♥ I make my list and then become frustrated because they go unfinished.... now I refer to them as wish list instead of to do list and celebrate when a wish gets completed :)

  6. Ah, yes... my Rub tells me I'm no longer 25. Sigh.

  7. What a wonderful post. I read through it with pleasure but when I came to the "Know your Crone's pace", it gave me a jolt. Adjusting to being "the Crone" is not easy, especially mentally. Perhaps new nomenclature would not be such shock. And I really love the painting at the top of the page.

  8. Love your art and the intuitive conversation with the guide. Was great reading your post!

  9. i had never heard of it as the Rub. I love your insight over this new message, sounds brilliant to me.

    Such a charming piece, it really has beautiful light and design.

  10. Your post echoes just how I feel right now but I could never have written it so eloquently. Loved it!


  11. Beautiful art piece as well as words written. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Your guide (within yourself) sounds very wise, and I will be interested to see how it goes.

    I really like your piece too--it's beautiful, and the textures/patterns are lovely.

  13. Fascinating post. I really like your art. You are so talented. The mix of colors is super gorgeous.

  14. Hello Rosemari, thanks for stopping by me nest,well lesson learned,experiencing new ways, creating beautiful work, thanks for sharing all that, hope you have a wonderful creative week..

  15. Interesting to read your thoughts.
    This is a fabulous piece, the way you have entwined the patterns and colours and the focal point of the so-attractive face.

  16. Amazing and dreamy art, dear Rose. So much joy!
    Greetings from Erika

  17. I have some understanding of what you mean about reacting to life. I am fighting that at the moment, and trying to take the lead in my life, which is not an easy thing to do. I feel so much better now that I have finished cataloguing my stamps, and have now given myself permission to do what I want, which is to play. I have booked myself several trips to local theatres to see things I want to see, going on my own, taking control. Thank you for your visit and I am glad you enjoyed seeing how I produced the card (with the help and tuition from Barbara Gray). xx Maggie

  18. Thank you for this enlightenment! I'm not going insane! yeah! I understand VERy much what you have shared! Thank you! xoxoDebi

  19. Geat art! I love her expression so much and the bold, but light colors!♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  20. It's always good to listen to that internal dialogue, even if it is difficult sometimes.I really like your painting - very vibrant and striking.

  21. I like the green shade that you used for your low light color on the shadow side of the face. I like her very much, she is very pretty. I like the swirls and dots in the patterns.

  22. I like the green shade that you used for your low light color on the shadow side of the face. I like her very much, she is very pretty. I like the swirls and dots in the patterns.

  23. Loved your post and adore your painting :)


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