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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Garlic Infused Vinegar

Last season's garlic is feeling the pull of the this season. The cores have been greening for some time and wee rootlets have been reaching, and this past week the sprouts have been making themselves known. So today I kept a few heads aside for kitchen use, and separated the rest of their outer-most paper and chopped them, loaded up a half-gallon jar and covered them with living apple cider vinegar. Now they'll sit and macerate for a several weeks before straining and bottling.

It's a delight to grow enough garlic to keep me through the winter.  And it's a delight to have excess for making this delicious vinegar brew to see me through to the next harvest in summer. But even with a seasonal break in fresh garlic supply, I have dried versions and this upcoming vinegar (which I can start dipping into tomorrow, for surely it will quickly become pungent and flavorful). I also have the wild ramps ready for harvest, and egyptian onions and garlic chives, so there's no shortage of Alium verve while garlic takes a break.

And while today is our collective day to honor the living, breathing entity with which we partner to enjoy this life … nourish, sustain and honor her every day, with as many choices and actions that you can, for surely she reciprocates in kind. Peace.


  1. Nice! It is great that you have all that space to grow that many. How do you use the vinegar later?

  2. I'm sure I could never use as much of the aromatic thingies as you make.

  3. How Lovely. I could put a big spoonful of that on a salad and toss.

  4. Oh and ooooooh, I can smell it from here and imagine the taste and I'd love it!!! I must try that garlic vinegar for sure.
    Jo in Liverpool, England

  5. Your garlic is in full bloom? I planted mine in October and the scapes have come up 3 times and back down during our up and down winter. They are up again but I thought you were not supposed to harvest til the scapes turn brownish? You are a wonderful gardener. I love the look of your garlic with vinegar. Beautiful harvest. Any advice would be appreciated!

  6. I can smell that from here … gorgeous :)
    And you're right - every day should be Earth Day
    Fil's Place - Old Songs and Memories

  7. I've never tasted garlic vinegar, but I bet it is fantastic.

  8. wow, you are so inspiring. how wonderful that your garlic lasted and now you turn the ends of it into something delish and healing as well!

  9. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments. Such wonderful ideas for using up all you garlic. Garlic vinegar ... yummmm.

  10. Sounds fascinating, I must investigate this. Do you use the vinegar only for salad dressings? -or is there another interesting use?

  11. Yum! Love garlic in all its forms.

  12. Hi
    looks like a nice big bottle of yummy-ness. My dad tells tales once in awhile and he told me of how back when he was little he remembers grinding up horseradish root (outside and down wind) to bottle with oil and my grand mum used it in many foods (she was German and my grandpa was Irish) lots of my dads (85yrsold) memories involve smells of good food. -Kat-

  13. Thanks for popping by.
    I love garlic; I am very impressed!

  14. Well..that sounds Delicious!! I love garlic.

  15. Not only does that sound absolutely yummy, it looks divine! I have several heads left also, think I'll give this a go. Thank you :)


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