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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

An eScape to the Oregano Patch

Today was one of those mostly-at-home productive days, the kind that feel good, you know? I did laundry, vacuumed and dusted, tidied and re-messed. I redesigned some labels, drafted my June-to-July flyer, took photos of new Spirit Pouches which now need to be edited so I can begin listing. I planted more seeds and seedlings in the gardens. And I harvested the garlic scapes and the small patch of oregano.

Some of the scapes will make it into this evening's dinner, some will become pesto and some infused in vinegar. The bunches of oregano are hanging to dry in my living space, next to the motherwort, where I can enjoy their transformation ... and gift.

That's what I made today.



  1. I love days like that ... :) A question Rose - when do you know that garlic is ready to pick/harvest? Is it when the stems go brown?

  2. yes, those days that are full of getting things done.... feel so good, and i am not done. But stopped by on my break to see what you are up to and to say a bright summer's hello!

  3. Hi Rose. I stopped by Cheryl's blog and seen her latest work and then I seen your blog on the sidebar with a post about oregano and since I had just dried some and jarred some, I had to stop by. Your oregano is out of this world. Awesome. I love your blog and just have to follow you so that I can see what you are doing in the garden. Awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  4. wow, i wish I had a garden like you. I'm just beginning trying to grow stuff but here in the mountains a lot of critters get to them. I love love love pesto!

    You sound like you were definitely busy today.

  5. Your day sounds marvelous and productive! Today I'm planning to harvest some herbs and then work on some art projects... maybe I'll plant some new seeds too :) You've inspired me ♥

  6. So jealous of your time in your patch. Need to make more time for my own. :)

  7. I love days like that, too. I've been working on home maintenance chores but I love sneaking in a stint in the kitchen or at the jewelry bench.

  8. Believe it or not, I at my first scape this week from my garden. I had no idea how delicious they are. I just chopped it and put over top of a potato but I bet they will be great sauteed. Now I'm hoping the garlic turns out large and pungent. Your oregano looks very healthy. I love watching your garden unfold through your blog posts.

  9. Fil, I wait for the tops to start to … wilt and droop and brown a bit. Then I loosen the soil and pull up the bulbs and allow them to cure dry shade for a few weeks.


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