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Friday, August 1, 2014

August heART - Glory in the Morning

August arrives with simplicity. That's my intention.

You see, July had me in stitches, literal and figurative. Laughter is such Good Medicine and I needed it this past month with my two back booboos and a small, yet deep laceration in a bendy place.

When I notice patterns of three, my awareness spikes, for I recognize such patterns as messages. And when my back acted up for the second time in as many weeks, with a cut in-between, I could almost hear spirit saying, "In your face." You see, June had delivered a few quieter physical and earth-bound patterns.

So I'm looking at my everyday, ordinary patterns of life. Closely. And I'll be sorting through stuff and activities in the coming days and weeks to wind my way to a space of greater simplicity.

Morning glory has grasped my attention. She is Poetry for me right now. Simple and elegant. A powerful bit of Medicine to support me. So it's only fitting that I kick off August heART with a simple line drawing of my recent plant ally.

How about you?
Add your link to your recent heARTful expression!


  1. Let's make a photography (or drawing) challenge for August.
    What do u think?:)

  2. Lovely line drawing of morning glory-they sometimes take over my back garden!

  3. your drawing is simple and elegant - like it!

  4. CLM ~ they are vivacious, no doubt, and can elbow their way into any place!

    The Artful Diva ~ Thank you, at this time simple is a goal for me.

  5. I love your graceful flower
    that it is inspiring you
    that you are paying attention....
    wishing you grace as you move through your days and nights

    thank you for being our host!

  6. Such a beautiful post..Love your Morning glory! Visiting from Tammie's blog..


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!