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Thursday, August 14, 2014

August heART - Herbal Brews

The sun shone this morning which was welcome after yesterday's heavy rains. It was too wet this morning to start any garden tasks, so I strained and bottled some herbals I had brewing, thus today's August heART

The roofers arrived to continue their work and I took off for my morning dental appointment. All's well on that front. Now I'll tend to the bills, finish preparing for this evening's School of Herbal Wellness class and see if I can't get in the gardens a bit before the class. Sounds like a plan.

So that's what I made and have in the making for today. How about you?

Do you have some heARTful expression you'd like to share? If so, join our August heART blog party and add your link (below). And whether you have art to share or not, click on the blog party links to see what our participants have been up to and leave them some love ~ there's some wonderful herARTful creations to explore!



  1. I'm doodling all over my notebook at my work trip in DC. I knit a trilobite on the plane. I think I'll break out the sketch book when I go on my dinner adventure. :)

  2. Love your "Brews" It was a beautiful day here today and I just couldn't stay inside :)

  3. You went with a metal roof. I had to laugh at myself. I picture you living in a hand-woven bower of a house, not a regular frame building!

  4. Thanks for the chuckle, Sharkbytes.
    Quite frankly, I picture the same.
    As in, that's pretty much what I see when I gaze upon my "little hut." :D


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!