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Thursday, August 21, 2014

August heART - Warming Dreams

This past week I've been dedicating various forms of meditation to the potential of "Dreams." I use that wording intentionally, knowing full well that it may be interpreted in a number of ways. By you and by me. Consciously or not.

One meditation was rooted in experiential memory. Talk about a chaotic meditation. Nonetheless, the chaos, in all its beauty and mystery, confirmed the obvious: Life is a Dream.

But the process and outcome details of my Dream meditations aside, I'm inclined to share, with a focus on heART, that they have consistently displayed themselves in colors warm-to-hot.

The background for today's August heART was a result of one of those simple meditations. I created it on Sunday in the company of three other dreamers and, once cured, I sketched a section of my studio tea cart.

I may add color to this, I may not. If I do, my sense is that it will be cool-to-cold.

Why? Because this week's meditations have also resurfaced an awareness to nurture conscious temperance in my verbal and written expressions.

With that I turn the reigns to you ... to dream ... to consider ... to wake an awareness ... and to join our August heART blog party ~ by visiting the links (below) and sharing some heART of yours!



  1. Love it, Rose! You can come upon a new, simple but powerful style!! I saw that I had written the name of the blog hop wrong in my blog, but I fixed it. :) Happy creating.

  2. Love it Rose!!! Me thinks me needs to learn to meditate too.

  3. dream meditations
    journey within
    mysteries present
    to fabulous awe


  4. Lovely page...i adore the pink! I find art-making very takes me into another 'zone' and I see in a new way. thanks so much for stopping by my blog...


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