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Monday, August 18, 2014

August heART - A Way to Wander

Sadie of ZauberDerLeidenschaft posted some wonderful photographs on her blog of streets that I would love to wander. Since that's not an option in my immediate space and time, I opted to interpret one of them in this sketch for August heART, as a way to wander in my own way.

If you haven't already, be sure to visit and leave a comment or few at the sites of some of our August heART participants. You'll be dazzled and inspired by their contributions. I know I am. And add a link to your creative expression too!



  1. Oh this is wonderful. Your sketching is Creative Bliss. I shall be coming back to visit more sites. Thank you for sharing...

  2. That is you just super well done, thank you, I will like to visit again and again.

  3. I would love to walk there. Very good drawing.

  4. This is such a delicate drawing, I would love to wander up this delightful street.

  5. Looks like a great place to wander!


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!