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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sautéed Cucumber

My mother would brag about me on occasion. I recall her telling folks that "Rosemari can go into the kitchen and make something out of nothing." And I'm inclined to admit that it's a statement not without merit.

As a long-(long)-time gardener and preserver of food, I can say that The Garden has taught me much about the art of improvisation. I enter my kitchen-realm wielding imagination and respect for alchemy, not a recipe. I look around, see what I have on hand and imagine what I might do with it. Oh, sure, I learned a lot from recipes in my youth, and do enjoy reading them as sources for ideas, not for weights and measures and structured rules ::shudder:: to follow, but for inspiration.

This week has gifted me many cucumbers, from my garden, from a neighbor and from Dineberg's Farm CSA. Today I desired something other than a variation on a salad, or fermented half-sours (though I am making more of those), and wondered about cooking them. So I peeled, sliced, seeded and chopped them up and tossed them in a pan to sauté with only a few other available ingredients. I was delighted with the outcome. Here's what I did (more or less), for my recipe-dependent friends ...

Sautéed Cucumber

3-4 cucumbers, peeled, seeded and chopped (large ones work great for this)
1/4 cup chopped onion (or so)
1 tablespoon butter (organic, pasture-raised, if possible)
sea salt (to taste)
chives, chopped, a handfull (or chinese leeks, or dill, or parsley, or, well, you get the idea)

Heat the butter in a skillet, add the onion and sauté until they just begin to glimmer translucent. Add the cucumber and salt and sauté about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and toss in the chives (or whatever). Serve hot or at room temp. And ... enjoy!

So, yeah, 
sautéed cucumber. That's what I made today.



  1. Sounds delish! I do the same with English Cukes or cucumbers. Tastes great. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes! Thank YOU! Oh I e been admiring all your creations , and this I can manage? Maybe?

  3. Sounds like something right up my alley :)... I'm always winging it in the kitchen. MIL used to call me the Queen of One Pot Concoctions. ..I don't think she meant it in a nice way..but I laughed and the name stuck LOL!

  4. Yummy, sounds delightful! Imagination and hunger are always the best helps to cooking! Valerie

  5. Well, I've always wondered if you could cook cucumber, but I never tried it. Now I might. But I don't have a cuke right now.

  6. Sounds fantastic...
    have to try out!
    we use to make a lightly sure sauce with cucumber, be sweated onions,then just a little bit flour slightly sauted with -cutted cucumber to it - filled up with not to much beef broth soup(or the extract of it), at the end a bit of sure cream and dill herbs- salt and pepper and served with dumplings...
    I love this meal!


  7. Carol ~ you cracked me up!

    Susi ~ that's sounds great, I'll have to make it ~ Thanks for sharing!


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