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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Introspective Revelations of the Season

It's about time I dropped in to say merry October, eh?

Every year I forget how busy autumn is for me. And how solitary. And this year many aspects of the "growing season" (as they say) are extending deep into October. So still, every day, I have harvests and preserves to consider. I mean, I'm still harvesting tomatoes, basil and other tender produce! I am both grateful and suspicious of this extended "garden season." I mean, our summer was so cool, and many of the "summer crops" were lagging behind. This strange October is allowing these lagging crops to offer me "more," and for that I am so very grateful. Yet this occurrence also conjures my observations of Nature over the past 20 years or so, and the odd shifts that I've witnessed.

First, the robins showing up in February, all those years ago. And now, for the past several years, I see them all winter long.

These observations inspire my evolving dedication to the choices I make in this life. I know that my choices, my behavior, my actions have an impact not only on my own life, but also on yours, and on the generations that have come before us, and on those that follow us. Make no mistake.

October is, historically, a very hermit-like and introspective month for me. And this month, so far, is yielding what seems to be profound clarity surrounding my life's passions.

With that, I have tomatoes to pick, basil to harvest, eggplants to check ... and - more in tune with my historical rhythms - horseradish to dig. Sacred acts, one and all, imbued with quiet introspection as I pick, harvest, check, dig and do.



  1. Sounds wonderful. I too am grateful for the delay in the frost. I was able to harvest ripe, plump and juicy red fruits from what I was sure would be all green tomatoes. Happy Harvest!

  2. Great art! I feel like we've had autumn the whole summer. :) I like the sunny days we've been having.

  3. Interesting comments on your garden produce. Just now we still have many colourful flowers although the summer vegetables have come to an end (except for the courgettes).
    I don't know how you have made the art but it looks terrific and very stylish.

  4. your art holds the spirit of autumn for me, soft, seed, beautiful.

    it has been a mild autumn here also, so far.... it could change any moment.

  5. I know you really work hard on all that preserving and connecting with the spirituality of it all. We had our first hard frost last night.

  6. Hi Rose. October is a beautiful month for me. I love it! We are also getting a lot of bell peppers, chili's and other. We are getting ready to put in our leafy veggies and am looking forward to that. I made an apple, peach, nectarine, chili chutney today. A couple of jars. It's divine. Have a wonderful October.

  7. Wonderful to hear how much abundance you are enjoy! Can´t wait to get my own garden to bring some seeds into the soil :)
    ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  8. I relish this time of year as I draw inward and reflect. Preparing for the dormant - nurturing winter growth. And yet, this year nothing seems to have slowed down like past years. I keep pulling back to reflect and keep getting pulled back to the busyness around me. It has been an interesting dance this autumn.


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