Get to Know me ...

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Perch on the Cusp of New

This morning I made some time to visit some familiar blogs and to explore some new ones. After all, some long-standing relationships have been nurtured through this blogsphere that we share. Am I right? And meeting new folks and forging new relationships is always welcome.

At some point in my visiting and exploring I noticed today's date ... and paused ... and thought about how my first blog entry made manifest around this time many years ago. So I checked. Yep. December 29, 2004 marked my first blog post. Here I am, ten years later, to the date, still blathering, still journaling in a public forum, and still connected to some of those very first followers.

While the venues and flavors of my posts have shifted over the years, the general intention has remained constant ~ to nurture personal and tribal holistic wellness and growth.

This awareness, of my ten-years of blogging and my original intention, combined with an awareness of other things coalescing at present, things made tangible in current heART journal entries ... and at the time of our conventional, our shared (our tribal) calendar flip ... offered me pause.

I just happen to be coming to "the end" of my current heART journal. It looks like I'll be starting a fresh journal at this time of year we collectively call "new." And I've given these ideas (of "ends" and "news" and all things perceived as linear) more holistic consideration than I have in years, complete with so many of the shared conventions of our tribe. Like what? Like resolutions.

I don't do resolutions. Haven't in years. Yet, it looks like serendipity is luring me in this time and space that we all share. Luring me toward a single-minded "theme" for my "new year" heART journal. I consider how the timing is completely unintentional. I also consider how all things happen with reason and purpose. So ... my new journal's theme (more on that later), will set the tone for this calendar kick-off that we share.

Oh, I know this may sound like incoherent babbling to some of you, but, after all, I blog for me. That was always at the heart my intention ... and if my babbling happens to express something that adds value somewhere in my tribe, so much the better.

To those who visit, I thank you, whether it's a one-stop, or a regular visit.



  1. I had to begin a fresh journal this week as well, and felt compelled to be very focused in my intentions for it and the New Year. I suppose because I feel that this winter is going to be an important one for me spiritually and in my growth as a woman.

  2. 10 years! Congratulations, Rose. Wishing you many more "ends" and "news" in the years to come.

  3. I had no idea you'd been at it for 10 years! I empathize with the entropy though.

  4. Hi Rose, thank you for visiting! Always nice to discover new art blogs. Visiting from PPF -- Happy New Year!

  5. Congratulations on your blog anniversary Rose, & thanks for visiting my blog :-)
    Lovely to meet you in Blogland!
    Alison x


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