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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Win a Handmade Spirit Pouch in the Great Online Scavenger Hunt!

One of these handmade Spirit Pouches is up for grabs in the Great Online Scavenger Hunt giveaway hosted by Annie Kelleher

So, yeah ~ welcome to "Day Two" of the Scavenger Hunt! Each day, for 22 days, if you're following Annie's Hunt, you have a chance to hunt for "clues," in the form of a line or quote from The Ghost and Katie Coyle. These "clues" will be hiding in various sites, all made clear on Annie's site. You can join anytime throughout the 22-day hunt ~ so come on, join us!

My "clue," the SECOND clue, is from chapter one and you'll discover in my collection of Spirit Pouches. Should be pretty easy to find. Go look!

When you find that quote/"clue", copy it, and email it to and you'll be entered in the drawing to win one of these handmade lovelies at the close of The Hunt!

And … if you're diligent in your hunt and enter for every day's hunt "clue", you'll be eligible for the final, "Day 22" drawing to win a Kindle Paperwhite eReader!

So visit Anne Kelleher's website every day to see which website holds the next "clue" to hunt down and submit your entry for that day's prize! 

But for this moment, go check out those Spirit Pouches, and when you find the clue, email it to, and you'll be entered in the drawing to win your very own Spirit Pouch!

Best wishes! And happy reading!



  1. I enjoyed looking through your blog all the way back to January. Interesting looking at an artist's life from another part of North America. I like that your creations seem to reflect who you are.

  2. I scrolled a bit - didn't visit for such long time now... time flies!
    Awesome natural art... beautiful!

    Happy advent!

  3. Love all your little pouches, they have that gorgeous honest made by hand look and I love these colours together.

  4. This is a fun idea! I too am checking out your posts, nice to meet you :)

  5. loving those pouches, very creative

  6. Those little bags are so sweet , I love them all!

  7. looks like you are having a good time with this. if i didn't have things going on, then i might join in. your pouches inspire endless uses.


I LoVe your comments ~ they inspire me!