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Monday, April 6, 2015

Dirt in the Right Places

The snow is receding. The spaces I want to plant my early spring vegetable seeds have (finally) thawed. Today I got "dirt" on my knees, on my butt and under my nails. More seedlings were started indoors, under the grow lights. A few transplants where started in the greenhouse. I wandered about and could see so many more of my green allies springing to wakefulness. Among them, my wily ally, Hypericum perforatum. It's taken me years of nurturing relationship with this plant, but now ... she's growing here 'n' there around the sunny side of my little acre!

And the chooks can wander farther and wider, and they're happier for it, too!

I also made a batch of soap, labeled and stored away a batch I made last month. I made a chocolate cake too. It's the dirt ... in all the right places ... that motivates me silly!



  1. I so relate to that joy of getting your hands in the dirt for the first time of the season :) It's BLISS ♥

  2. It sounds like a peaceful way of life that you have, Rose.

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.


  3. Hi Rose. I truly love you lifestyle as well. Well it's raining over here right now and we need it much. California is dry, dry, dry. We have some of our plants in now and with the rain they won't need watering for a little while. I'm trying to find the plant Spikenard and when I do it will go in this year. Your soap sounds interesting as well as the chocolate cake sounding delish.:) Enjoy.

  4. not silly at all
    inspiration is to be found
    where it is found ;-)
    loved considering your relationship with Hypericum perforatum. also that you have nurtured it and now it is happy and returning there.

    thank you for your lovely messages.

  5. Inspiring post.Thank you for sharing

  6. Wow - lovely photos and you impress me with the things you do! Soap, gardening, chocolate cake. (i'm always impressed with anything chocolate!) ;) Beautiful artwork here. i'll be back. xx

  7. Wonderful tribute to Spring and new life well as existing life renewing energy. Love your pictures, especially of the chooks! xx Lynn

  8. I can feel the joy from here. Love to hear about the latest batch of "ugly" soap. Beautifully inspired I'm sure.

  9. Nothing like the smell of warm dirt after a long winter


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