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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Room to Reach

Garden Ferments
Black Currant Fizz ~ another garden ferment!
Daucus carota ~ wild carrot
Rhubarb Jelly
I've been busy. Journaling. Harvesting. Dreaming. Preserving. Doing. Empowering. Manifesting. 

In short: Reaching.


  1. You have been busy!!! I'm not getting much done this week and hoping that next week is better .

  2. I am intrigued about what you did with the wild carrots. I have been foraging lots more this year since we are having so much rain and may not get the bounty from the garden we were counting on.

    Carry on!

  3. Sounds great, looks great. I've never had wild carrots before. We've been harvesting various veggies as well. Have a great week.

  4. Reaching. What a beautiful way to express all the creativity that has been coming your way. As far as I can tell by your posts, you always reach and seem to be a real success at whatever you attempt. Loved reading about the art time, the finished ferments and the kombucha. I used to make my own from a 'mother' I was gifted from a friend from China. He told me about the healing this tea brings to the Chinese who swear by it. I kept the tea going for a long time but as things go, it went by the wayside. Now, a man on our market brings the best tasting, oak fermented tea ever. I drink an awfully lot of it and hope I'm not partaking too much! Love your posts.

  5. I have never seen wild carrots, and your preserves are amazing! Thanks for sharing this bounty.

  6. garden and earth treasures
    for your heart to ours
    eye candy in the form of your photos
    and inspiration to make a cherry shrub
    thank you

  7. I have never tried rhubarb jelly. You have been busy in a wonderful way!

  8. fabulous produce..we have been eating lots of blackcurrants from the garden..lovely

  9. What really attracts me here is your wonderful-looking rhubarb jelly.
    I've found a recipe in my old preserving book, so will definitely make some.

  10. what fabulous produce from your garden!! Your 'reaching' is amazing, its frostiness - with the silhouette hand... creative!


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