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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

More of the Same Only Different - for the Season

 I'm still harvesting and preserving Food and Medicine. Here we have some of the last of the rue and prairie sage...
 ... and here is a bundle of passionflower vine... hanging from the mechanical clock my dad made... because I'm out of room in all the reasonable hang-to-dry spaces.

 The color is shifting in the landscape, and the leaves are beginning their fall... and I'm wearing socks and sleeves most every day now.

 I've introduced some of my Whiting Mills brick 'n' mortar seasonal and limited edition options to my ArtFire and Zibbet online shops. And expect more to be listed in the days ahead.

And I've introduced a few new retail items to the ol' brick 'n' mortar at Whiting Mills for the coming fall-to-winter season. These and a few others. If your'e in the region, stop by some weekend!

But for today... it's sunny and lovely and I'm home on my little acre so I have more harvesting and preserving to manage. I'll peruse the main garden for more tomatoes, squash, collards, kale, calendula, broccoli, black beans... I'll start another ferment or two, I'll dehydrate, I'll strain infused oils and possibly start more... and who knows what else. Maybe some relaxing and reading in the afternoon sun.



  1. Good morning inspired friend. Thank you for continuing to motivate and inspire me to spend more time outdoors doing things in my garden. It felt good to weed, fertilize and plant garlic. I have lots more to do on this tiny acre. I like your new additions in your brick and mortar shop.

  2. It all looks so wonderful and made me look around my wee cabin at the mint and sage I harvested before last nights 11F arrived. The season is over here.... for outdoor growing.
    Wishing you a lovely time with all your beautiful products.

  3. Looks great! I will make pesto with my basil soon !

    Your products look super!!!


  4. what a wonderful day to take care of everything. Looks very nice :)


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