Get to Know me ...

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Flow and Mystery and Messages

This morning I acknowledged, without doubt or question, that the element of water is nudging me, inviting my attention. How do I know this? Well, Monday I discovered a water leak at my studio. A Tuesday wander about my little acre gifted me the pause and the music of the vernal thaw. Yesterday I pulled the Tarot card, Temperance. Today I awoke to the return of the spring rains.

So, yeah, water is begging for my attention. So I sat quietly with that, eyes closed, breath relaxed, and not long into my watery meditation I realized that I'd not yet processed my March donation to the Water Protectors' Medic + Healer Council. So that's done. I'll freshen the water in my fermenting Cherokee black beans, and check the seedlings for thirstiness. And I'll continue on this thread of watery awareness until it feels full, or ripe, or ready to overflow.


1 comment:

  1. you really do have the presence and spirit of water in your life.
    wonderful that you sat with it and got another message about water.
    Thanks for sharing about the Water Protectors' Medic + Healer Council, I am going to check it out.
    Lovely night of sleep to you!


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