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Friday, May 12, 2017

Deeper Roots... in the Garden and in Life

As spring keeps springing I find myself sinking my Roots ever deeper into my dedication to grow and preserve most of our own botanical food (and Medicine). I'm busy every day, no matter what else is on my schedule, planting more seeds, tending to seedlings and nurturing that with sustains me.

The early harvests have started, with nettles, wild onion, cleavers, among others like this rhubarb that's ready for harvest.

I review my seed packets several times a week to what needs to be planted indoors, in the greenhouse and in the earth. Sacred work, this.

The spouse helps to expand our ever-expanding garden beds, this year leveraging the dead maple trees that were taken down by creating hugelkultur beds that feed the soil, sequester carbon, hold moisture, all in the spirit of permaculture, a modern term for a very traditional method of growing food that, in essence, mimics Nature, the wisest inspiration for all practical wisdom.

So I am busy. And I am expanding my dedication (some might say obsession) with growing our own food (and Medicine) organically, with honor for Nature, with LoVe, as the sacred work that it is, always has been (until recent times), and always will be (gods willing).



  1. I like considering your hugelkultur beds. I will have to look that up. Lovely to have a peak into your spring planting, harvesting and doing things in a way that feels good to you.

  2. Always learning something new from you.


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