In this season, when so many around me are distracting themselves with shallow activities of waste and poison in the false light of our times, I crave the solitude and quiet of the early evenings and long nights, for that verve is transient and will shift and evolve with the winter solstice. So now, now is the time to be still, to wrap ourselves in the darkness, to be with the quiet of winter's approach... to explore our dreams and conjure how we might best serve them when the light of day shines stronger and longer, so that we may bring our dreams to our communities in service to the greater good of the world.
Our world needs us. Nona Gaia is calling us to support her, that she may support us, and all life. She invites us to emulate her loving generosity. She is challenging us to dig deep, beyond our shallow lives of convention to discover the deeper values that reside there... to feel the nourishing and sustaining richness that lies beneath the surface... to embrace the choices and behaviors that nourish and sustain us, her, and all life. The time is ripe to question every choice we make, every behavior we choose, and every action we take. For our world.
So as December arrives, honor the seasonal mantle of darkness that offers warmth in the chill, and comfort in the shadow. Honor the mantle that wraps us in the still quiet of the dark season, as we await the coming of Yule at the solstice, when we welcome the newborn sun of the season... as we dream of new choices, fresh behaviors, and invigorated actions of deeper meaning and value that guide us into the promise of spring.
Rest. Renew. Refresh. Get ready.
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