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Monday, July 8, 2019

Simple Serendipity

I'm still making Summer Time for heART Medicine, and this little page is a simple inspiration for this month's Art Journal Journey's challenge, We're All/Going.

The words, from a recent podcast titled Eldering into Hope, were already on the page, as were the shimmering gold 'n' silver watercolor strokes. Atop that I drew a simple imagined crowd, and stitched them together with my old, already threaded, Brother sewing machine.

I dig the serendipity of the different parts of this page, and how they all came together. The words magically work with the challenge, as does the topic of the podcast from which they came; the silver 'n' gold conjured a song sung years ago - Make New Friends in Girl Scouts; and having just resurrected the old sewing machine this past week for some other heART journaling projects simply pulled it all together for this challenge.

It seems a perfect and simple serendipity.

Peace. 🕊


  1. Rosemari,

    Congratulations on the page. I am a science teacher and I really enjoy talking about scientific discoveries that seem to have happened by chance. I did not know a word that defined that fact and you provided it through that post.
    Thank you

  2. Your Art Journal-page is very clever and creative. Thoughtful and perfect to the theme. Love it.
    Wishing you great time xx

  3. love your art journaled page very much! have a great week ♥

  4. That's an art - pleasure serendipity on this amazing page Rose! Gorgeous this all came together! That's HeArt Journaling at its best and a pleasure to see this linked to Art Journal Journey's topic of the month! Thank you so much for joining in again!
    Happy July!
    Thank you for supporting Art Journal Journey!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. HeArt Journalling at its best, I love this page Rose. I love its simplicity and its complexity - not easy to achieve but you have done it.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. Bonjour,

    Une très belle création !...
    La douceur des lignes... Magnifique !

    Gros bisous 🌸

  7. Oh my! What fabulous page and I am so happy you linked this to my theme at AJJ! I must stop storing things in front of my sewing machine!!! Hugs, Chrisx


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