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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

heART journal memories 2012

I'll be going through some of my old heART journals in an effort to catalogue them for ease in exploring their contents for the various reasons we go through our old journals. Sometimes it's to seek a specific memory, or experience... or style, design, or technique, or simply to seek patterns, and explore past Medicine for present applications.

My practice of heART journaling is Medicine to me. Ever since I was a little girl, making art has been integral to my wellness, to my personal evolution. And I recognize this Medicine in all creative expression, be it poetry, prose, dance, music, theater, whatever! Yet for me, the visual arts have always been my go-to Medicine.

As I video my journals for this purpose I'll be sharing them with you, and I hope this adds some value beyond my own.

Peace. 🕊


  1. This is a great idea. Art is healing for me, too.Thanks for visiting my blog today, good to se you again. Valerie

  2. Very happy to follow your very wonderful art blog !!!

  3. I find it interesting to go back through old journals, seeing it anew.
    lovely to see yours.


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