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Thursday, December 29, 2022

18-year Blogiversary Honor

Today, December 29th, marks the day I started to blog back on the edge of 2004. For reasons I don't really understand, I pause most every year on this day to honor the original intentions, reevaluate them, and assess my current 'n' forward intentions as I settle in with the fresh roots of winter. It's one of those odd days in which I give credence to the linear count of time. An odd day that also offers attention to the impending calendar flip, the march of linear time. Anyhoo...

Today - this 18-year blogiversaryfeels akin to a spiral intersecting itself. I've been getting a bit of that feel lately. As I retire my business, yet continue the work that has always claimed me, I've considered returning to a regular blogging practice, a practice that may well replace the newsletter that has been a monthly ritual since - at least - 2013, the year I turned my attentions away from blogging. I consider this, and the meaning in the words I shared in my first blog post all those years ago...

"...this practice may simply allow me to organically explore the diversity of life, healing, spirit and energies that make up my being and offer me the experiences and opportunities that I am able to share with others - in the hopes to nurture holistic wellness and growth."

Not my best structured sentence, but the meaning rings through.

I'll be sitting with Nona Gaia, and with these words 'n' their meaning, words that still fill me, that still hold value, and that inspire me to feel as if I'm returning to a familiar, loving home that nourishes and sustains me, still... a home with deep roots, a home that holds a key part of the spiral of my being, my life, my journeys.

Stay tuned.

Peace. ðŸ•Š

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