Do you see what I see? The land of my dominion!
Just one gentle, passing breeze,
Or even just a random sneeze
Can lift me up and carry me as on an eagle’s pinion.
And scattered into many parts, I go where’er I’m cast
And put down deep and lasting roots, wherever land is grassed.
Do you know what I know? My life is never-ending!
My own seeds number millions -
Each one produces billions!
Pity all poor gardeners’ vain efforts at lawn tending!
Bitter poisons, mowers’ blades, all you have used to fight me -
Could never yank this lion’s tooth, so go ahead and bite me!
Just one gentle, passing breeze,
Or even just a random sneeze
Can lift me up and carry me as on an eagle’s pinion.
And scattered into many parts, I go where’er I’m cast
And put down deep and lasting roots, wherever land is grassed.
Do you know what I know? My life is never-ending!
My own seeds number millions -
Each one produces billions!
Pity all poor gardeners’ vain efforts at lawn tending!
Bitter poisons, mowers’ blades, all you have used to fight me -
Could never yank this lion’s tooth, so go ahead and bite me!
– Paula T. Calhoun
Meet Taraxacum officinalis – Dandelion
Family: Asteraceae
The Taraxacum genus is one of our "North American" natives, also home throughout temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. This ubiquitous beauty is so well known that it needs little botanical description. The genus is described as a herbaceous, tap-rooted perennial plant of many species that adapt to the unique qualities of their environment.
We know this plant most readily by its golden-yellow composite flower head, which is made up of many tiny flowers (florets). These happy flower heads open in day and close at night, a pattern I relate to (among other things) breath.
The flower heads are born singly on the leafless scape (the hollow-tube-like-stem), that exudes a milky white latex that we all recognize. Right?
And who hasn’t dug a dandelion root? The typical tap root, sometimes splitting, from which a basal rosette of simple, lobed leaves, growing 2 to more than 10 inches in length, gives birth to one or more scapes which, in turn, give birth to the flower heads that mature into spherical seed heads called blowballs.
You may already know that the common name, dandelion, is born of the French common name, dent de lion, which means tooth of the lion. Why? Observe the leaves… as well as the flowers… the root… of what might they remind you? Always observe.
We know this plant most readily by its golden-yellow composite flower head, which is made up of many tiny flowers (florets). These happy flower heads open in day and close at night, a pattern I relate to (among other things) breath.
The flower heads are born singly on the leafless scape (the hollow-tube-like-stem), that exudes a milky white latex that we all recognize. Right?
And who hasn’t dug a dandelion root? The typical tap root, sometimes splitting, from which a basal rosette of simple, lobed leaves, growing 2 to more than 10 inches in length, gives birth to one or more scapes which, in turn, give birth to the flower heads that mature into spherical seed heads called blowballs.
You may already know that the common name, dandelion, is born of the French common name, dent de lion, which means tooth of the lion. Why? Observe the leaves… as well as the flowers… the root… of what might they remind you? Always observe.
Harvest: Roots, leaves, flowers, buds.
Taste: Bitter
Humors: Cool, dry
Actions: Anti-rheumatic, bitter, cholagogue, diuretic, hepatic, laxative, nutritive, tonic, among others.
Constituents: Fructose (richer in spring); sesquiterpene lactones; diterpenes, taraxacin; triperpens; sterols; carotenoids; xanthoxophylls; flavinoids; polysaccharides (inulin – among others – richer in autumn); potassium (up to 4.5% in aerial parts).
Contraindications: Rare allergies. While considered safe during pregnancy, nursing and for children and the aged, it's been suggested that it might best be avoided in Medicine form (IE: Tincture) by those with low blood pressure.
The leaves are, to my way of thinking, first and foremost a Food. The leaf has a longtime tradition as a powerful diuretic, especially dried and brewed as tea. Unlike pharmaceutical diuretics, it’s rich in the potassium that is often lost as a result of a diuretic action, making it a synergistically harmonized Medicine, even when water retention or cardiac congestion is present. David Hoffman says, “overall, this herb is a most valuable general tonic and perhaps the best widely applicable diuretic and liver tonic.”
Mark McDermott used tincture leaf tincture in formulas dealing with kidney and bladder stones.
Susun Weed suggests its use for minimizing bloating and cerebral edema (in Ginkgo) that leads to irritability and mood swings, as well as for menstrual challenges of cramps, water retention, pelvic congestions, and to balance feelings.
The root, with its hepatic and cholagogue actions, has a history for being a premier choice for inflammation of the liver and gallbladder. In general, it aids digestion by maximizing the flow of bile into the intestines. It is supportive to a congested liver that is burdened by hormones (HRT) or other drugs.
Ellingwood mentions the root in the treatments of chronic jaundice, rheumatism, chronic skin eruptions and chronic gastritis, among other conditions. For me, the repeated mention of "chronic" just sinks roots ever deeper into the value of this botanical as a Food, and a tonic.
This plant holds a special place in my heart and around my little backyard farm.
In spring, I simply dig up the early dandies (usually from paths and garden beds where I prefer they not grow) and use the leaves fresh in salads, simmers and sautés, and roast the roots for a delicious decoction to enjoy throughout the year. In general, the leaves are sweetest in spring, and the roots in autumn.
Despite all the years that I’ve been leveraging this botanical for Food and for Medicine, I’m still inspired and learn new things every year. I remember learning - not all that long ago - from a local herbalist to leverage the flowers to make an infused oil for topical use. They used it as many use Arnica oil. This is new to me, and now I make a batch of oil every spring to support me with my eldering (I know, it's not a word and yet, there it is) body with its various aches 'n' pains.
May you fall in love with Taraxacum officinalis, the beloved dandelion.
resources: Rosalee de la Foret, various sources
David Hoffman, Medical Herbalism
Henriette Kress, Practical Herbs
Susun Weed, various sources
Wikipedia for the botany bits
Personal notes from multiple sources
Personal experience
Next up: Dance with Dandelion - a wee collection of recipes and ideas for nurturing and leveraging your relationship with this generous botanical...
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