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Monday, July 24, 2023

Garden Gratitudes


Today I'm grateful for the beauty of the echinacea blooms that greet me as I enter the vegetable garden via the "main" gate. I'm grateful, too, for our makeshift outdoor kitchen - in essence, an up-cycled sink with hot 'n' cold running water, and an electric burner.
I've got ten trays of blanched collard greens sitting in the sun. It's not been long, and they're already mostly dried. I'll finish them in the dehydrator, and hopefully get a second batch done after lunch.
But before lunch I'll be harvesting some green coriander seeds to fridge, freeze 'n' ferment, all part of another bit of today's gratitude directed to the generous spirit of Alan the ForagerChef for this collection of coriander inspiration.
Later, I'll be harvesting the last of the shallots and making room for them on the curing tables in the garage... and transplanting the cruciferous babes into larger pots so they may grow strong before planting them in the earth in a week 'r two.
There's more, but you're done reading for now, right? 😊

Peace. ðŸ•Š


  1. what do you do with the dried collards?
    love & magicks

  2. Simply, Laura, I use it in all manner of cooking, just as I would if using it fresh, only with the need of extra liquid for rehydrating in mind and heart. 😊 I add it to soups, stews, and various other braises. I rehydrate it to add to meat 'n' potato dishes, or served more plain as a green side.

    I do the same with kales, and other leathery greens (and so many other veggies).

    Hope that helps... and love 'm' magicks back atcha!


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