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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

This, That and More Socks

Aside from some personal word 'n' art journaling on my "work" table, the bulk of my creative works have - of late - been on the couch, under last year's wool afghan, near the fire, where I can sip tea, keep warm, and enJOY my fiber crafts with music or streaming series 'r movies.

I started a while back with making a pair of chunky wool socks for my spouse, and continued with a pair for me. I tempered my knitting with a fingerling weight organic cotton crocheted lap blanket for a friend. Somewhere along the way I made a second pair of socks for me. Now, in these past few of days I started another pair of socks for my spouse (pictured above), and finished a fingerling weight crocheted wool shawl for another friend. In between I've made crocheted chair leg socks (can never have too many of these), and a wool sack for a rock to serve as a door stop. 

On another note, I've started Moonshine 2024, an art witchery course that feels a near perfect fit for me, as it weaves together Medicine (healing Work), Magic, creative expression (art), and a community of like-minded / like-hearted human beings. 

So that's the latest, and I'm sharing it with my creative What's on Your Workdesk friends over at Stamping Ground. If you're reading this, go check them out, you'll be glad for it.

And 2024 blessings to you. 

Peace. ðŸ•Š


  1. Good to see you again Rose. A quick visit this week due to new windows being installed (and of course it has started raining). Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #14

  2. How busy have your knitting needles been…well done you.
    Happy New Year to you.
    Annie x #8

  3. That sounds very relaxing, sipping tea, covered by the Afghan, listening to music and knitting in front of the fire - sounds perfect!
    Happy WOYWW Angela #18

  4. I've not knitted for a long time and never socks.. you seem to have been very productive, and it sounds very cosy in front of the fire too. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  5. That course sounds very interesting Rose, I can see why it appeals to you, it would be tempting for me too! But I can honestly say that I’ll never knit socks, so I’m full of admiration for you doing so many pairs! The colours of the ones shown are really lovely, I’m sure your other projects have made other people happy too xx
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  6. Hi Rose, I'm back. Thanks for the lovely comments over at mine. What you're making today looks great. You must let us know how you get on with the new course, sounds interesting. Happy woyww New Year. Hugs Angela x11x

  7. AHA! Another sock knitter! I almost always have a pair on the go. I just love the warm and cosy feel of my tootsies in wool - it's literally the ONLY pace on my body I can stand to wear wool, and never too many days in a row. How sad is THAT for a knitter? Acrylic socks are wonderful ... said no one EVER. LOL!
    Happy 2024 WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

  8. ooh socks look good and the moonshine course sounds interesting too.

    thanks for visiting my desk already


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