Some magick ya just gotta share...
I stepped outside to do one of my recently renewed rituals. A ritual I've dedicated to Fetch. As I stepped onto the deck, one of our neighborhood crows (allies to our hens) swooped into a nearby tree. I greeted them as I routinely do with a, "Hey Corvid!" Before I could begin my honor to the directions, Corvid offered three calls. I responded in kind. Then two more calls of three, creating three threes of call and response. This was then followed by two threes of call and response. Magick.
I continued my ritual of honoring the directions as Corvid perched in quiet. I stepped up to my door, turned and called out love and gratitude to this feathered friend. I stepped inside. They flew off. Magick.
Magick and validation. From Fetch.
Sun's day blessings to y'all. Make some magick, by any name.
Peace. 🕊
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