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Friday, January 31, 2025

resting in suspension

I’ve been quiet.

Or so someone suggested.

It’s not for lack of words.

My mind overflows with words.

My heart overflows with feels.

A cacophonous libretti.

That overflow spews out of my heart, swirling within me… out of my crown, swirling above me, around me, below me, holding me captive within a ferment of letters and numbers, disjointed words, whole words, and so many feels… I just can't seem to grasp the pieces that I need to perceive, to hear, to share.

What’s worthy of feeling and expressing eludes me.

So for now, I’m suspended.

I feel that.

Every new ‘n’ full moon I draw a tarot card for lunar guidance. This recent new moon in Aquarius offered me XII The Hanged One. I feel that. And it resonates with the IV of Swords that I pulled at the last full moon.

I’m where I'm supposed to be right now.

Resting in suspension.

I honor that.

Peace. 🕊

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