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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Green Gift

Today I made a green gift of herbs. Herbs that will become part of a community garden in Windsor, CT. Herbs to be planted by Doctor Stacey Munro.

Six herbs. Five perennials and and one annual. Can you name them?

Take a stab! You've got nothing to loose and something to gain, for a random guesser will win a free spirit cord!


  1. Hello,
    Well this is a stab in the dark...
    I am guessing comfrey, mallow, motherwort, some sort of sage or maybe mint,,, see stabbing. Don't know the other two, but the lacy one I can almost smell.

    Now to look around your blog some more.

  2. Ok, my guess is basil, bay, flax, cilantro and spearmint. Please, please let me know if I'm right with the flax. I think it's the one with the little white flowers. I started an herb garden two years ago and only three out of the eight herbs thrived. but this year I have new plants all over the place, and that looks like one of them! :)

  3. ok...marjoram, mallow, sage, corriander, and cilantro?

  4. Thank you all (Cloud and Elaine included) for playing!

    Green blessings all around!


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