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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Game, A Blog Game: Win a Whimsy

Yep. Between yesterday's post and today, I made a game. And I will be repeating this game in the coming weeks during June (maybe longer). The game is an idea adapted from other choice bloggers. The game is for you, kind reader, a chance for you to play a bit and possibly win something. We all need to play more. And who doesn't like the chance to win something? I feel the game must be on Wednesdays. I feel the game's name is: Win a Whimsy. Whatcha think?

So, we've had our trial balloon with yesterdays' post. Five folks responded, though not all as comments here (tsk tsk tsk), but I let them play anyway. THIS time. It's good to be Queen.

So now, to select a winner . . . I fire up my . . . what did I call it? Oh yes--my state of the art, randomizing winner selection device. May I have a drum roll please . . . 

No - wait! The herbs! They are:
  • Motherwort
  • Bee Balm
  • Marshmallow
  • Russian Comfrey
  • Elderberry
  • Sweet Cicely
See? Some of you came verrrrry close! Nicely done!

So now, the first ever winner of the first ever Walk in the Woods' Wednesday's Win a Whimsey is: Tammie Lee! Yay and hooray! Your spirit cord will soon be on its way to you.  And thanks to all for playing! 


  1. just reading your blog is like winning a whimsey

  2. Hi Rose,

    This is so much fun. Thank you so much. It was sweet cicely that I could smell and not think of the name. Yea!!

    I will email my address.


  3. You both inspire me to smile! I'm a winner too!!!


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