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Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Second Third

I invested a good portion of today playing in the garden. I got more seeds and seedlings into the earth - eggplant, Italian broccoli, leeks, celery, celeriac and radish, carrot, cabbage. Others I'm surely forgetting. I still have another dozen or so tomatoes to set into the earth, but today I got the plums into their garden spaces, next to the cherry golds, making the second third of the tomato garden. Crazy stakes and all.

Then, a tomato salsa with garden herbs - oregano, green onion, garlic tops and chive flowers. Quite good I must say. Especially good with a fine corn chip and a nice ale.


  1. mmmmmm - looks so wonderfully delicious!

  2. OMG - it was sooooooooo good we filled up on it -n- chips and just had salad for supper!

  3. that is just too amazingly beautiful... yumyumyum

  4. Yummy!! I got to nibble on those beautiful clive flowers at your workshop. I betcha the salsa is delicious.


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