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Monday, August 18, 2008

Room for Love

I made room in my life for love today.

Love in the form of garden food, past present and future. For I enjoyed the delicious brined garlic dills started a couple-few weeks back, and started a new batch to enjoy at some space in that place we call the future.

Love in the form of creative expression, for I made time to nurture and love my creative being, to organize, title and list three new little works of art.

And oh so last but not least, I made room in my life for canine love. A brand of love that I have missed since my Karma's departure. A brand of love issued to me by a very kind and loving medicine woman, and friend. A brand of love that cuts through darkness, that flies through the stars, that soars into your life like a comet from the heavens.

For these things that I made today and for the things still to make, I am grateful and I count every blessing that I am gracious enough to recognize. Ashe. Ashe.


  1. ahhhh...pickles, paintings and puppy..lovit!

  2. Pickles.... looks tasty! Yum!

  3. I love this post. May we all make "room in our life for love today" - well said.

  4. love is real...real is love.
    great blog :)

  5. Reading your blog always makes me feel so relaxed and at's as if a wave of peace is coming through the computer at me! Thank you!

  6. I'm digging the homemade garlic dills! Got any extra?

  7. Halley is adorable! And the pickles look yum!

  8. ryan said it best! The pickles look so good I wanted to reach into my computer screen and get one! I love homemade pickles!

  9. I can't tell what's cuter... a jar full of fresh pickles or Halley :)

  10. Love the picture of Halley and glad that someone was able to find him to share the love that you had for Karma ~~

    I like the title of this section too! ) O (


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