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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Much

Here's just a taste of what was on my plate today . . . 
I'll post the artwork tomorrow. Maybe give some away.


  1. The colors are amazing! *yum!*

  2. I know I've said it before, but your blog is amazing and your pictures are breathtaking!

    Sunflowers are my FAVorite flowers of all time!

  3. Gorgeous!!! Is that more calendula?

  4. Thanks Eva. Rocki too (I love the sunflowers too!)

    Yes Ryan - that is more calendula. My plants had been neglected in my absence and desperately needed cutting back as well as blossom-harvesting.

    Your cordials (on another post) sound amazing!!!

  5. Perhaps I shall save some for us...or make another batch. The Damiana one was inspired by your "Honeymoon gift". Also racked the Meade today...not sure if it is to early but it stopped "itsa" Bubblin'.

  6. If you are able to save some I'd be happy to imbibe! As for the mead - sounds like it was ready for that first racking. If you're doing straight honey mead (which I've never made!) that may be all it needs. I rack my herbal and fruit meads several times. Ooooh - such fun!!


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